Welcome to Bob Morton's (VE3WY, VE3BFM, NI1W, 9G5MR) Maple Leaf Communications web site.
Here you will find great deals on antennas and accessories for the Ham Radio operator, plus products and services for the commercial side of the radio world.
- If you are looking for connectors for coax cable, we can help.
- If you are looking for an RF adapter to go from one connector type to another, we can help.
- If you are looking for coax cable for that special job, we can help.
- For the antenna builder, we have telescopic aluminum tubing plus fiberglass insulating sections.
- Our own Zeus line of coaxial and wire lightning surge suppressors will add protection to your radio equipment.
- For travellers, we have portable VHF/UHF J-Pole antennas that roll up and fit in a briefcase.
- For dipole antenna builders, we carry basic copper wire plus heavy duty copperweld and insulated wire.
- We use all-stainless-steel hardware on products we manufacturer ourselves.
- Our sister company Paladin RF produces high quality duplexers for repeater applications, available in the 406 thru 512MHz band plus 1240 thru 1325MHz band.
- We are ready to take your order anytime (almost!).

Give us a call today at (705) 435-2819, or fax (705) 435-2996, or click on the email link at the bottom of the page.